There are times as a garden designer when you know you’ve really hit the nail on the head. This was one of them.
The hard landscaping is simple but highly effective. As this terrace garden is north-facing, the patio needs to be at the far end to make the most of the sun. The raised beds, with brickwork picking up the boundary wall, keep the space tidy while also making maintenance easy – plus the smaller members of the family love the extra seating! The slatted trellis above the wall provides both privacy and a blank canvas for painting with plants.
Because it’s the planting that brings the whole thing to life. Siringe, Sarcoccus, Trachylospermum and a climbing rose provide the scents and fragrances the client craved. A mass of green covering the far wall – in contrast to the side walls, where patches of brickwork and trellis remain exposed – links the garden to the tree beyond and creates a greater sense of depth. The offset Syringes on either side give the space a sense of subtle, sinuous flow, while Annabelle hydrangeas provide a seasonal focal point.
To keep the need for day-to-day maintenance down – and to provide peace of mind during holidays – I installed an irrigation system. I’ve also been pleased to provide ongoing care and maintenance for a garden I’m really proud of.